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Hogan, William T.

Economic history of the iron and steel industry in the United States / William T. Hogan - Toronto : Lexington , 1971 - 5 vols. ill. ; 24 cm. - v.1. Part i. Development in the iron and steel industry, 1860-1880.-Part ii. Growth of the iron and steel industry 1880-1900; v.2. Part iii. The reorganization of the iron and steel industry, 1900-1920; v.3. Part iv. Market growth and new technology, 1920-1930, Part v. The steel industry in depression and war, 1930-1945; vols 4 and 5 part vi. The steel industry in a period of world -wide challenge and fundamental change, 1946-1971 .


Iron and steel industry
Steel industry and trade
Iron industry and trade

672 / HOG
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